Orientālu krāsas
Окрасов ориентальных котов (код породы OSH);тесно связанных с сиамской породой (код породы SIA), выделяют довольно много, даже тех, которые признаны официально. Все основные оттенки делятся на несколько групп.
ЭБОНИ (black, ebony) (код окраса n)
Один из самых красивых окрасов ориентальных кошек. Животное с блестящей глянцевой шерстью напоминает чёрную пантеру. Шерсть повсюду на теле от кончика до корня волосков чёрная. Кончик носа и подушечки лап чёрные, а глаза-зелёные.
ГАВАНА (chocolate,brown) (код окраса b)
Очень экзотический окрас. Такие кошки похожи на статуэток, выточенных из драгоценного камня. Шерсть насыщенного тёплого каштаново-коричневого тона с равномерным окрасом волос от кончика до корня. Зеркало носа коричневое, подушечки лап розово-коричневые.
Глаза ясного блестящего зелёного цвета.
ЛИЛОВЫЙ (lilac,lavender) (код окраса с)
Очень изысканный окрас, трудно поддающийся словесному описанию. Шерсть должна быть тёплого розовато-сероватого цвета с налётом седины или "инея", без голубизны. Зеркало носа и подушечки лап бледно-лилового цвета (цвета лаванды). Глаза интенсивно зелёные.
ГОЛУБОЙ (blue) (код окраса a)
Благородный холодного тона окрас. Шерсть повсюду голубого цвета, светлая или средней насыщенности, равномерно окрашенная от корня до кончика. Предпочтение отдаётся более светлым оттенкам голубого. Зеркало носа и подушечки лап голубые. Глаза зелёные.
КРАСНЫЙ (red, flame) (код окраса d)
Цвет шерсти тёплый красный, без других оттенков или рисунков. Кошка такого окраса имеет яркие изумрудные глазки, и розовую кожу на подушечках лап и носу.
КРЕМОВЫЙ (cream) (код окраса е)
Нежный, чистый, пастельный цвет шерсти. Тёмные тона в окрасе нежелательны. Зеркало носа и подушечки лап светло-розовые.
ЧЕРЕПАХОВЫЙ (tortoiseshell) (код окраса f)
Интересный окрас с хаотично разбросанными пятнами по телу. Такого окраса, за редким исключением, бывают только кошки. Он получается при "включении" красного или кремового цвета в какой-либо из основных окрасов. Предпочтение отдаётся равномерному распределению пятен в окрасе.
ГОЛУБО-КРЕМОВЫЙ (blue-cream) (код окраса-g)
ШОКОЛАДНЫЙ ЧЕРЕПАХОВЫЙ (chocolate-tortie) (код окраса-h)
ЛИЛОВЫЙ ЧЕРЕПАХОВЫЙ (lilac-tortie) (код окраса-j)
ФАВН (beige fawn) (код окраса p)
Бежевый цвет шерсти.Носик и лапы у кошек при этом розовые, глаза - зеленые.
ЦИННАМОН (sorrel, cinnamon) (код окраса о)
Цвет корицы, светло-коричневый, значительно светлее, чем гавана. Глаза так же зеленого цвета, а кожа на носу и подушечках лап розовая с коричневым оттенком. Циннамон - это очень приятный окрас, он как «золотая середина» между гаваной и кремовым.
ЖЕЛТО-КОРИЧНЕВЫЙ ЧЕРЕПАХОВЫЙ (fawn-tortie) (код окраса-r)
ДЫМЧАТЫЙ, СЕРЕБРИСТЫЙ (silver, smoke) (код окраса s)
Это вариации окрасов, когда при основном или черепаховом окрасе нижняя часть волосков остаётся непрокрашенной, белой. Кончик носа и подушечки лап соответствуют основному тону.
БРОНЗА (bronze) (код окраса-u)
ЗОЛОТОЙ (golden) (код окраса-y)
БЕЛЫЙ (white) (код окраса w)
Шерсть абсолютно белая без желтизны. До года может быть цветное пятно на голове, которое потом исчезает. Кончик носа и подушечки лап розовые. Глаза голубые (форинвайт), зелёные или разного цвета (один голубой, другой - зелёный).
ЗОЛОТИСТО-ЧЕРЕПАХОВЫЙ (marble) (код окраса-z)
ВАН (код окраса-01)
АРЛЕКИН (код окраса-02)
БИКОЛОР (код окраса-03)
МИТТЕД (белые отметины для колоров) (код окраса-04)
Белый кончик хвоста (код окраса-08)
Белая пятнистость (код окраса-09)
Затушеванный (код окраса-11)
Завуалированный (код окраса-12)
ТЭББИ (tabby) (код окраса 21)
Это окрасы с каким-либо рисунком. Различают мраморный, пятнистый, тигровый, тикированный. На любой из гладких окрасов может быть наложен рисунок. Для всех тэбби окрасов характерны определённые одинаковые элементы - рисунок в форме буквы М на лбу, непрерывные тонкие линии, идущие от наружного угла глаза к затылку, на щеках 2-3 завитка, на шее и верхней части груди несколько замкнутых "ожерелий" и два ряда "пуговиц" (крупных точек), идущих от груди по животу. Конечности и хвост равномерно покрыты кольцами. Зеркальце носа и глаза подведены ободком.
МРАМОРНЫЙ (blotched, marble) (код окраса 22)
Один из самых эффектных окрасов ориенталов, подчёркивающий своими продольными линиями грацию и утончённость гибкого тела. Все элементы рисунка насыщенного, густого цвета и чётко выражены. Тонкие линии проходят с верха головы к плечам, где образуют рисунок в форме бабочки. Три сплошные параллельные линии проходят вдоль всей спины от узора на плечах до основания хвоста. Крупные пятна на каждом боку окружены одним или несколькими плотными кругами; эти элементы рисунка должны быть симметричными.
ТИГРОВЫЙ (mackerel, tiger) (код окраса 23)
Узкая сплошная линия проходит по спине от затылка до основания хвоста. Остальная часть тела исчерчена непрерывными тонкими линиями, сбегающими по бокам вниз от позвоночника.
ПЯТНИСТЫЙ (spotted) (код окраса 24)
Элементы рисунка (полосы тигрового окраса) разбиты на пятна,
которые должны быть возможно более многочисленными, а
по форме - круглыми, овальными или в виде розетки. Полоса на спине также
разбита на пятна.
ТИКИРОВАННЫЙ (ticked) (код окраса 25)
Каждый волосок шерсти по всей длине окрашен чередующимися тёмными и светлыми кольцами основного и контрастирующего цвета (чем их больше, тем лучше). На теле, если смотреть на него сверху, не видно каких-либо пятен, полос или разводов, за исключением более тёмного оттенка шерсти на спине. Глаза и кончик носа окаймлены. Зеркало носа и подушечки лап соответствуют основному окрасу.
Бурмесский (код окраса-31)
Тонкинский (код окраса-32)
Гималайский / сиамский (код окраса-33)
Сингапурский (код окраса-34)
Обозначение титулов
Ch. -чемпион
I.Ch. -интер-чемпон
G.I.Ch. -гранд интер-чемпион
E.Ch. -европейский чампион
G.E.Ch. -гранд евро-чампион
W.Ch. -чампион мира
51 -безхвостость,
52 -остаток звоста,
53 -боб,
54 -нормальный хвост.
61 голубой,
62 -оранжевый,
63 -разноглазие,
64 -зеленый,
65 -бурмесский,
66 -тонкинский,
67 -гималайский.
71 -прямые,
72 -закрученные (керлы)
100 Oriental Shorthair Cat Colors
The adorable Oriental Shorthair comes in a huge range of coat colors. If you've been trying to decide which is your favorite, check out our list and see which one you like the most! We use the colors accepted by the official Oriental Shorthair Breed Standard, from the Cat Fanciers' Association.
Oriental Shorthair cats within the solid coat color category should have a coat color of a consistent density from the tip of the hair to the root. This applies to all the colors listed here.
Image Credit: TalyaPhoto, Shutterstock
This cat has a coat from a deep slate gray to a pale blue-gray, with blue nose leather and paw pads.
Image Credit: Jolanta Jd, Shutterstock
These cats have a rich chestnut brown coat, with cinnamon paw pads and nose leather the same color as the coat.
This cat has a light brown coat with hints of red. It's warmer, redder, and lighter than a chestnut coat. The nose leather and paw pads are shades of tan to pinkish beige.
Šim kaķim ir gaiši brūns kažoks ar sarkanām nokrāsām. Tas ir siltāks, sarkanāks un vieglāks nekā kastaņu kažoks. Deguna āda un ķepu spilventiņi ir no dzeltenbrūna līdz sārti bēšam.
This cat has a buff cream coat, with lighter shades preferred for show cats. Pink nose leather and paw pads are pink.
Šim kaķim ir spilgts krēmkrāsas kažoks, ar gaišākiem toņiem priekšroka dodama izstādes kaķiem. Rozā deguna āda un ķepu spilventiņi ir rozā krāsā.
Image Credit: jojosmb, Shutterstock
This cat has a dense coal-black coat, without any paler undercoat or hints of red on the tips of the hairs. They have black nose leather, with black or brown paw pads.
This cat is a light lavender color, with cocoa overtones. Nose leather and paw pads should be a dusty rose pink, without any blue or lavender tones.
Šis kaķis ir gaišā lavandas krāsā ar kakao nokrāsu. Deguna ādai un ķepu spilventiņiem jābūt putekļaini rozā krāsā, bez ziliem vai lavandas toņiem.
This cat has a frosty-gray coat with pink overtones. Both nose leather and paw pads should also be a lavender-pink.
Šim kaķim ir salnīgi pelēks kažoks ar rozā nokrāsu. Gan deguna ādai, gan ķepu spilventiņiem jābūt arī lavandas rozā krāsā.
This cat has a rich, clear, and deep red coat. The nose leather and paw pads should be flesh-colored or coral pink.
This cat has a pure, glistening white coat, with nose leather and paw pads in pink.
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Shaded Oriental Shorthairs have an undercoat in shades of white, ivory, pale honey, or apricot. They will have a mantle of color-tipped shading from their sides, face, and tail. Moving away from these areas, the tipping will fade to match the color of the undercoat. This pattern is seen in all colors described here.
10.Blue Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with blue tips. Nose leather should be old rose and paw pads blue.
11.Chestnut Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with chestnut tips. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in chestnut, with the rest of the nose leather in pink and paw pads in cinnamon pink.
12.Cinnamon Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with cinnamon tips. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in cinnamon, with the rest of the nose leather in pink and paw pads in coral pink.
13.Cream Silver
Also known as dilute cameo, these cats have a white undercoat, with cream tips. Nose leather and paw pads are both pink.
14.Ebony Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with black tips. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in black, with the rest of the nose leather in brick red. Paw pads are black.
15.Fawn Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with fawn tips. Nose leather and paw pads are both pink.
16.Lavender Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with a mantle of lavender tipping. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in lavender, with the rest of the nose leather in lavender pink. Paw pads are lavender pink.
17.Parti-Color Silver
This cat has a white undercoat with tipping in black, blue, chestnut, cinnamon, fawn, or lavender. This tipping is combined with patches or softly intermingled areas of red. Several different shades of red are acceptable on one cat. Dilute colors will have cream patches instead of red. Nose leather and paw pads can both have mottled patches of pink.
18.Red Silver
Also known as cameo, these cats have a white undercoat with red tips. Nose leather and paw pads are both rose colored.
19.Blue Golden
These cats will have an undercoat in either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is blue. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in blue, with the rest of the nose leather in old rose. Paw pads are blue.
20.Chestnut Golden
These cats will have an undercoat in either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is chestnut. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in chestnut, with the rest of the nose leather in pink. Paw pads are cinnamon pink.
21.Cinnamon Golden
These cats will have an undercoat in either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is cinnamon. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in cinnamon, with the rest of the nose leather in pink. Paw pads are coral pink.
22.Cream Golden
These cats will have an undercoat in either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is cream. Nose leather and paw pads are both pink.
23.Ebony Golden
This cat has an undercoat of either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is black. Nose leather is brick red and paw pads are black.
24.Fawn Golden
These cats will have an undercoat in either ivory, pale honey, or apricot. The tipping is fawn. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in fawn, with the rest of the nose leather in pink. Paw pads are pink.
25.Lavender Golden
This cat has an undercoat of ivory, pale honey, or apricot, with a mantle of lavender tipping. The eyes, lips, and nose should be outlined in lavender, with the rest of the nose leather in lavender pink. Paw pads are lavender pink.
26.Parti-Color Golden
This cat has an ivory, pale honey, or apricot undercoat with tipping in black, blue, chestnut, cinnamon, fawn, or lavender. This tipping is combined with patches or softly intermingled areas of red. Several different shades of red are acceptable on one cat. Dilute colors will have cream patches instead of red. Nose leather and paw pads can both have mottled patches of pink.
27.Red Golden
This cat has an undercoat of either ivory, pale honey, or apricot, with a mantle of red tipping. Nose leather and paw pads are in rose.
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When still, these cats appear solid in color. When they move, their pale white undercoat becomes visible. Their extremities are solid in color but have a band of white at the base of the hairs. This can only be seen when the fur is parted.
28.Blue Smoke
This cat has a coat with deep tips of blue. Nose leather and paw pads are in blue.
29.Red Smoke
Also known as Cameo Smoke, these cats have deep red tipping. Nose leather and paw pads are in rose.
30.Chestnut Smoke
This cat has fur tipping of deep chestnut brown. Nose leather and paw pads are in lavender pink.
31.Cinnamon Smoke
This cat has a coat with deep cinnamon tips. Nose leather and paw pads are in coral.
32.Cream Smoke
Also known as Dilute Cameo Smoke, the tips of this cat's coat are cream. Nose leather and paw pads are pink.
33.Ebony Smoke
This cat has a coat with deep black tips. Nose leather and paw pads are black.
34.Fawn Smoke
This cat has deep fawn tipping to their coat, with nose leather and paw pads in pink.
35.Lavender Smoke
This cat has deep lavender tipping to their coat, with nose leather and paw pads in lavender pink.
36.Parti-Color Smoke
This cat has deep tipping of their coat in either black, blue, chestnut, cinnamon, fawn, or lavender. This tipping is combined with patches or softly intermingled areas of red tipping. Several different shades of red are acceptable on one cat. Dilute colors will have cream patches instead of red. Nose leather and paw pads can both have mottled patches of pink.
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Oriental Shorthairs with the tabby markings should have a well-defined pattern in either classic, mackerel, spotted, ticked, or patched.
37.Classic Tabby
This cat has dense and clear markings with even bars on the legs, even rings of the tail, and several necklaces of unbroken darker color on the neck and upper chest. There is a distinct "M" marking on the forehead. There are unbroken lines of darker color running from the outer corner of the eye, with swirls on the cheeks. There are vertical lines on the back of the head running down to meet the shoulder markings, which are in the shape of a butterfly. This is a vertical line down the spine, with vertical matching stripes on either side. Large side markings should be circled by unbroken rings. There are double rows of "buttons" on chest and stomach.
38.Mackerel Tabby
This cat has dense and narrow markings. There is even barring on the legs and a barred tail. There are clear necklaces of color on the neck and chest. The forehead is marked with an "M," with unbroken lines running back from the corner of the eyes. The lines from the back of the head run down the back, then across the spine to form a saddle. From this, narrow pencil marks extend down the cat's body.
39.Spotted Tabby
This cat has spotted markings on the body in various shapes and sizes. For show cats, preference is given to evenly distributed spots. There may be a subtle suggestion of classic or mackerel patterns, but the spots should not be connected. A dorsal stripe should run from the head to the tip of the tail and is preferably made up of broken spots. The face and forehead have typical tabby markings, with buttons on the chest. Legs and tail are barred. Necklaces around the chest should be visible but broken rather than solid.
40.Ticked Tabby
The ticked tabby pattern of this cat shows hairs that are ticked with shades of ground color and marking color. The body should be free from noticeable spots or stripes, except for a slight shading along the dorsal line. The paler underside may show tabby markings. The face will show tabby stripes. Cats will have at least one necklace.
41.Patched Tabby
A patched tabby Oriental Shorthair will have a pattern of either classic, mackerel, spotted, or ticked in blue, chestnut, ebony, cinnamon, lavender, or fawn (silver shades of these colors are also acceptable), with patches or intermingles areas of red on the body and extremities. Several shades of red are acceptable. Dilute colors will have cream patches, not red. Nose leather and paw pads can be mottled with pink.
42.Blue Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color of pale blue silver, with markings in blue. Nose leather is blue or old rose outlined with blue. Paw pads are blue.
43.Blue Tabby
This cat has a ground color of pale blue ivory, with deep blue markings. The whole coat has a warm fawn overtone. Nose leather is blue or old rose outlined with blue. Paw pads are blue rose.
44.Red Silver Tabby
Also known as a Cameo Tabby, these cats have an off-white ground color with red markings. Nose leather and paw pads are in rose.
45.Cream Silver Tabby
Also known as a Dilute Cameo Tabby, this cat has a ground color in off-white, with cream markings. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink.
46.Cinnamon Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color of glistening silver, with markings in a dense cinnamon color. Nose leather is either cinnamon or pink with a cinnamon trim. Paw pads are in coral pink.
47.Cinnamon Tabby
This cat has a ground color of pale warm honey, with markings in a dense cinnamon color. Nose leather is either cinnamon or coral with a cinnamon trim. Paw pads are in cinnamon.
48.Chestnut Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color of snowy silver, with markings in a dense chestnut color. Nose leather is either chestnut or pink with a chestnut trim. Paw pads are in cinnamon pink.
49.Chestnut Tabby
This cat has a ground color of a warm fawn, with markings in a rich chestnut color. Nose leather is either chestnut or pink with a chestnut trim. Paw pads are in cinnamon pink.
50.Cream Tabby
This cat has a ground color of very pale cream, with markings in a darker cream or buff color. Nose leather and paw pads are pink.
51.Ebony Tabby
This cat has a ground color of bright copper brown, with markings in deep black. Nose leather is black or brick red outlined with black. Paw pads are black or brown.
52.Fawn Tabby
This cat has a ground color of very pale ivory, with markings in a dense fawn. Nose leather and paw pads are pale fawn.
53.Fawn Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color in pale glistening silver, with markings in dense fawn. Nose leather is fawn or pink trimmed with fawn. Paw pads are pink.
54.Lavender Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color in cool silver, with markings in lavender. Nose leather is lavender or pink trimmed with lavender. Paw pads are in lavender pink.
55.Lavender Tabby
This cat has a ground color of pale lavender, with markings in a darker lavender. Nose leather is lavender or pink trimmed with lavender. Paw pads are lavender pink.
56.Red Tabby
This cat has a ground color in red, with markings in a deeper and richer red shade. Nose leather and paw pads are flesh-colored or coral pink.
57.Ebony Silver Tabby
This cat has a ground color of clear and pale silver, with markings in dense black. Nose leather is black or brick red outlined with black. Paw pads are black.
- See also: How Much Does an Oriental Shorthair Cost? (Price Guide)
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An Oriental Shorthair with the bi-color pattern should have sections of coat color that correspond to any of the patterns listed previously. They will also have white feet, legs, chest, muzzle, and underside. They should have an inverted "V" blaze on their face. This classification includes pointed and white cats and van pointed and white cats. All solid colors are permitted when combined with white, and any of the colors described here can be both pointed and white and van pointed and white.
58.Seal Point and White
This cat has a pale fawn to cream body, with deep seal brown points. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink or deep seal brown.
59.Blue Point and White
This cat has a body in a cold blue white, with points in deep blue. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink or slate blue.
60.Chocolate Point and White
This cat has an ivory body color, with points in a warm milk chocolate color. Nose leather and paw pads are pink or cinnamon pink.
61.Lilac Point and White
This cat has a white body with points in a frosty gray with pink overtones. Nose leather and paw pads are pink or lavender pink.
62.Cinnamon Point and White
This cat has a pale warm ivory coat with points in a light red brown. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink or tan.
63.Fawn Point and White
This cat has a pale ivory body with light lavender points and a pale cocoa overtone. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink or dusty rose pink.
64.Red Point and White
This cat has a clear white body with points in bright apricot to deep red. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink, flesh, or coral.
65.Cream Point and White
This cat has a body in clear white, with points in a pale buff cream to light pink cream. Darker shading on the points is desirable. Nose leather and paw pads are in pink, flesh, or coral.
66.Tortie Point and White
This cat has a body color that matches base point colors of seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, or fawn. It's combined with patches of red (or cream of dilute) and white. There are points in the base color, sometimes with patches of red or cream. Nose leather and paw pads are either pink or the base coat color.
67.Shaded Point and White
This cat has a white undercoat with a mantle of tipping in one of the solid base colors. Shading is darkest on the spinal ridge, fading toward the chin, chest, and underside. It's combined with patches of white. Nose leather and paw pads are either pink or the base coat color.
68.Smoke Point and White
This cat has a white undercoat with a combination of patches in any solid base coat color and patches of white. Points and mask look solid in color, but the hairs have white roots, which can be seen when the coat is parted. Nose leather and paw pads are either pink or the base coat color.
69.Lynx Point and White
This cat has body shading that can be ghost striping or ticking in a corresponding base coat color, combined with white patches. On the points, there will be bars of the base color separated by a lighter background. The nose leather should be either pink, the base color, or pink trimmed with the base color. Paw pads are pink or base color.
70.Silver Lynx Point and White
This cat's color is like the Lynx Point and White, but with the addition of a white undercoat.
A Parti-color Oriental Shorthair will combine one of the solid coat colors with patches of red, either clearly defined or softly intermingled. Multiple shades of red are allowed too. They can have many different patches, and dilute colors will show as a pale cream rather than a red coat color.
This cat has a blue coat mottled or patched with cream. Nose leather and paw pads are blue, sometimes with pink mottling.
72.Cinnamon Tortoiseshell
This cat has patches of cinnamon and red across their body and extremities. Nose leather and paw pads are tan or pink beige, with pink mottling allowed.
73.Chestnut Tortoiseshell
This cat has chestnut brown and red patches across their entire body. Nose leather and paw pads are cinnamon, sometimes with pink mottling.
This cat has patches of fawn and cream across the body and extremities. Nose leather and paw pads are in dusty rose, with pink mottling allowed.
This cat has a lavender coat, mottled with patches of cream. Nose leather and paw pads are lavender pink, sometimes mottled with pink.
76.Ebony Tortoiseshell
This cat has a black coat with patches of red. Nose leather and paw pads are black or brown, sometimes with pink mottling.
Pointed Oriental Shorthairs should have a clear body color, although some shading is allowed. There should be a definite contrast between the body and the points on the mask, ears, feet, legs, and tail. The mask should cover their whole face, including the whisker pads. It is also connected to the ears by tracings of color. On the points, there should be no white hairs.
77.Red Point
This cat has a clear white body, with points in a deep red to bright apricot shade. Nose leather and paw pads are flesh or coral pink. Class includes smoke colors.
78.Cream Point
This cat has a clear white body with points in a pale buff cream to pink cream. Class includes smoke colors. Nose leather and paw pads are flesh or coral pink.
79.Cinnamon Point
This cat has an ivory body with points in a light red brown and warm overtones. Nose leather and paw pads are in tan to pink beige. Class also includes smoke colors.
80.Fawn Point
This cat has a glacial white body with no shading. The light lavender points have a pale cocoa overtone. Nose leather and paw pads are pink or dusty rose. Class includes smoke colors.
81.Seal Lynx Point
This cat has a cream or pale ivory body, with points of seal brown bars. Some ghost striping on the body is allowed. Nose leather is seal brown or pink with brown trim. Paw pads are in seal brown. Class includes silver and shaded colors.
82.Chocolate Lynx Point
This cat has an ivory body with points in warm-milk chocolate tones, with distinct barring. Nose leather is cinnamon or pink edged with cinnamon. Paw pads are in cinnamon. This class includes silver and shaded colors.
83.Blue Lynx Point
This cat has a body in blue white to platinum gray, with cold tones. There may be some ghost striping. Points have deep blue-gray bars, separated by a lighter shade. Nose leather is slate or pink edged with slate. Paw pads are in slate. The class also includes silver and shaded colors.
84.Lilac Lynx Point
This cat has a glacial white body with points in a frosty gray, with pink-toned barring. Some ghost striping is allowed on the body. Nose leather is either pink or pink edged in lavender. Paw pads are lavender pink. Class includes silver and shaded colors.
85.Red Lynx Point
This cat has a white body with points of deep red barring, separated by a lighter background color. Ghost stripes are acceptable. Nose leather and paw pads are in flesh or coral pink colors. Class includes silver and shaded colors.
86.Cream Lynx Point
This cat has a clear white body, with some ghost shading. Points have a buff cream barring, with a paler background color. Nose leather and paw pads are flesh to coral pink. Class includes silver and shaded colors.
87.Cinnamon Lynx Point
This cat has a body of pale ivory, with points of light red-brown bars, separated by a lighter color. The body may have some ghost striping. Nose leather is tan, pink beige, or pink trimmed with tan. Paw pads are tan or pink beige. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
88.Fawn Lynx Point
This cat has a body in glacial white, with some ghost striping allowed. Points have bars in a light lavender with pale cocoa overtones, separated by a paler background. The nose is dusty rose or pink trimmed with dusty rose. Paw pads are in dusty rose. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
89.Seal-Tortie Lynx Point
This cat has a body in cream or pale fawn, with cream mottling or ghost stripes. Points have barring in seal brown, separated by a lighter color. There is a random mottling of red over the points. Nose leather can be pink, edged in seal brown, flesh, or coral pink. Paw pads are seal brown. Both nose and paws can be mottled with pink. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
90.Chocolate -Tortie Lynx Point
This cat has an ivory body with ghost stripes or mottling in cream. Points have bars in a warm milk chocolate, separated by a lighter color. There is also a random mottling of red over the points. Nose leather is cinnamon or pink trimmed with cinnamon, sometimes with mottling in pink or coral. Paw pads are in cinnamon or cinnamon and pink mottling. This class includes silver and shaded colors.
91.Blue-Cream Lynx Point
This cat has a body shade of blue white to platinum gray, with cold overtones. There may be cream mottling or ghost striping. Points have deep gray bars separated by paler colors. A random cream mottling overlays the colors of the points. Nose leather can be slate or slate edged in pink, sometimes with flesh or coral mottling. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
92.Lilac-Cream Lynx Point
This cat has a glacial white body, with some cream mottling or ghost stripes. Points are barred in a frosty gray separated by a paler color. There is an overlay of cream mottling across the points. Nose leather and paw pads are lavender pink or mottled lavender with flesh or coral tones. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
93.Cinnamon-Tortie Lynx Point
This cat has an ivory body, sometimes with mottles or ghost stripes in a slightly darker color. Points are a light red-brown, with bars in a lighter color. There's a random mottling of red over the points. Nose leather and paw pads are in tan or pink beige. They may have mottles in flesh or coral pink. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
94.Fawn-Cream Lynx Point
This cat has a glacial white body with some shading in either mottles or ghost stripes. Points have light lavender bars with pale cocoa overtones and are separated by a paler shade. There is cream mottling over the points. Nose leather and paw pads are dusty rose, flesh, or coral. This class also includes silver and shaded colors.
95.Seal-Tortie Point
This cat has a pale fawn to cream body, with seal brown points covered with mottles of red. Nose leather and paw pads are seal brown, with mottles in flesh or coral pink. This class also includes smoke colors.
96.Chocolate-Tortie Point
This cat has an ivory body with points in warm chocolate and red mottles. Nose leather and paw pads are in cinnamon, flesh, or coral pink. This class also includes smoke colors.
97.Blue-Cream Point
This cat has a body in blue white to platinum gray, with points in a deep blue gray and cream mottles. Nose leather and paw pads in slate, sometimes with mottling in flesh or coral tones. This class includes smoke shades.
98.Lilac-Cream Point
This cat has a glacial white body with frosty gray and pale cream points. Nose leather and paw pads are in lavender pink, with mottles in flesh or coral pink being desirable. This class includes smoke shades.
99.Cinnamon-Tortie Point
This cat has an ivory body with points in a light brown red, with pale cream mottling. Nose leather and paw pads are tan to pink beige, sometimes with mottling in flesh or coral pink. This class includes smoke shades.
100.Fawn-Cream Point
This cat has a body in glacial white, with mottling in the same shade as the points. Points are pale lavender with cocoa overtones. Some mottling is in pale cream. Nose leather and paw pads are in tan to pink beige, with mottling in flesh or coral pink being desirable in show cats. This class includes smoke shades.
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